As usual, I've thoroughly enjoyed browsing the Local Fun Mom Blogs. There are so many great posts to talk about, but here's a small sample of what's been going on across the country...
Go Back Up Your Hard Drive Right Now. Seriously! - 3KidsandUs has survived the loss of irreplaceable photos, videos, memories, etc., not once, but twice! In this post she hopes to spare anyone else going through this experience and offers extremely valuable advice regarding the importance of backing up your hard drive on an external hard drive--on a regular basis. Unfortunately she learned just how crucial this is---the hard way.
A letter to Obama - Mile High Mamas have an article about a local mom who took action when she saw her son's class trip might be affected by the looming government shut down. She knew how hard her son and his classmates had worked over the year to make this trip happen and she couldn't sit by idly. Find out what happens when she decides to send a letter straight to President Obama!
When Your Daughter is Afraid of a Butterfly - Go West Young Mom has a post about what to do when your preschooler is suddenly afraid of everything--particularly if the list of fears happens to include something that you're afraid of too. Unfortunately, this issue comes up a lot in our household. I am terrified by spiders, and most things that move quickly and have many legs---those thousand-legger things seriously creep me out. I try my best to keep these fears to myself, but some encounters are definitely more challenging than others. Multiple times I have screamed out loud when surprised by a thousand legger scurrying across the floor when I move something or a spider in the bathroom. When I see my kids worried faces and hear them yell "What happened?" I instantly feel terrible and try to make up lame explanations..."Everything's big deal, just an interesting bug. Bugs aren't scary guys...mommy was just surprised to see go get daddy, k?
Freschetta Pizza and 3-piece Storage Set Give-away - Sippy Cup Mom - Who doesn't love pizza? In our household we are big (big) fans! Our top 5 fave pizzas from the grocery store include Freschetta and this new pizza by the slice thing has me intrigued. Does this mean that I could eat something super tasty like Chicken, Spinach and Mushroom pizza while my kids eat their perrenial favorite--Four Cheese Medley? Hurry up and head over to Sippy Cup Mom's site to get the details on how to enter! Ends on April 20th.
Here are some other posts from 'Local Fun' Moms to check out:
10 Reasons to Switch to Glass- Kingdoms First Mom - Some really great cases for making the switch to glass from plastic when it comes to food storage.
Fail safe way to introduce gardening to kids - Akron Ohio Moms - I love the look of these mini Miracle Gro Kits! The fact that they're guaranteed to grow something, and even include extra seeds (just in case), sounds perfect for the gardening-challenged sort like me.
I hope you enjoy these posts. If you're a 'Local Fun' Mom and have a great post that you want me to share, just email me here, and maybe I can feature you next week!