Spring Activities for Families

Happy Thursday & Welcome to the Kid's Co-op! This is a weekly feature here at Local Fun for Kids.  I, along with a group of other bloggers, bring you the latest and greatest greatest kid-friendly crafts, activities, educational resources and recipes. 

I know many of us are in sports-mode right now. Spring is in full swing! On the go-dinners, late nights and schedule changes can be tough, but having the chance to spend more time with friends and seeing my kids do what they love makes it worth it.

Also, spring is a fantastic time for lots of FREE local events!  If you haven't seen my National Family Fun Calendar, you should check it out.  There are quite a few upcoming events that you may want to take advantage of.

Browse all of the creative ideas below and if you have one to add, just link it up!

If you're linking up, grab a button so every one can see where you like to party: 

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