Ah, the good old days....
Does anyone else remember roller skating to the tune of Salt n' Pepa's Push It? I remember lots of good times at the roller skating rink. But, my kids? I don't think they even know what a roller skating rink is. If yours don't either, it's a good time to head on over to the KidsSkateFree.com website. Here's a list of reasons, from that website, why roller skating is fun for kids.
Roller skating is:
- A fun way to increase muscular strength and cardio respiratory endurance.
A way to burn anywhere from 330 to 600 calories per hour!
- A Great for improving balance and flexibility.
- A fantastic source of aerobic exercise.
- A key to weight control.
- Easy to learn.
- A great tension reliever and enthusiasm builder.
- An excellent way to help maintain good health.
What is Kids Skate Free? It's a program designed to help children get out and be active in their local community by offering FREE admission to their local skating centers each week throughout the summer. You can see a full list of participating skating centers by going to the Kids Skate Free website. If you see one near you, just click on the name and you can see the details for that partular center. If not, check back again another day, because they are still adding more centers. Some of Kids Skate Free FAQ's are listed here.
I'll be getting on my skates this summer? Will you?
Thanks to Jennifer @ JerseyFamilyFun for the tip!