Oatmeal Scotchies Cookie Recipe Inspired By a 10 Pound Box of Oatmeal

A few weeks ago, I was shopping at one of my favorite markets, and came across a 10 pound box of Quaker Oatmeal.  I only have a family of 4, so what on earth do I need a 10 pound box of oatmeal for? Well, I paused for a moment, took a second look at the box, and a billion ideas went through my head. I had to buy it. The box was so big that it took up a quarter of my shopping cart.

Move over kids - here comes the oatmeal!

Oatmeal is a good thing. And, now, I'm inspired. Buying a gigantic box of oatmeal will not only encourage me to cook more oatmeal for my family, but also get creative with it and try it in new recipes. 

 Five facts about oatmeal:

1) Instant Oatmeal is as nutritious as Old-Fashioned Oatmeal.

2) Oatmeal is a whole grain food. 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal counts as 1 serving of whole grain.

3) All types of oatmeal can be made quickly in the microwave.

4) Oatmeal can be eaten at any time of the day to get the cholesterol lowering benefits.

5) The amount of sugar in flavored instant oatmeal is about equal to what most people would add to unsweetened cereal.

There are so many things you can do with oatmeal. Oatmeal is extremely versatile and it's is also inexpensive. So, until my 10 pound box of oatmeal is done, I'll be sharing my oatmeal creations with you.  Aren't you lucky?

And the first oatmeal recipe I tried was....

 Oatmeal Scotchies!

When I was a little girl, Oatmeal Scotchie cookies were always a favorite, and, now, I'm making them for my kids. The recipe I used was on the back of the Nestle Toll House butterscotch morsels.  There are instructions for cookies or bars. I decided to make the bars since I was short on time. It was easier to bake up all of the cookie batter on one sheet instead of baking several sheets of cookies.

Here is the Recipe for Oatmeal Scotchies

Find more great oatmeal facts on http://www.quakeroats.com 

Now... what oatmeal recipe should I try next?
