Happy Fun for Kids Friday!

Every week is busy, but this week feels like it was ridiculously busy... and it's not over yet!

Over the next few days, we have so much planned. Plus, the weather forecasters keep mentioning an "Arctic Blast" coming our way. I know Punxsutawney Phil just predicted six more weeks of winter, but I didn't have Arctic weather in mind. So, today I am featuring a few fun ideas to get us through this final stretch of winter, and then we'll check out the activities, crafts, and recipes in the Fun for Kids Friday link-up.

So, here we go...

Kidlist shows us how to make these bright and cheery Valentine's Surprise Cups.

The Seven Year Cottage (who always has amazingly creative ideas) shares this yummy recipe for Creamy White Hot Chocolate.

This weekend, you can celebrate Valentine’s Day at the Disney Store!

The Disney Store invites kids ages 3 and up to create a unique Valentine's Day card for their special someone. When: Saturday, February 11 / 10:30 am - 1:00 pm 

*While supplies last. Call store for more information & to confirm this event.

Do you have any fun ideas you want to share? Leave a comment or link up!

1. Find up your new kid related blog posts and add your link below.
2. Please grab a button.
3. Link directly to your project post and please don't link to stores or non-blogs.


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Anyone who links up may be featured in an upcoming Fun for Kids Friday post with an image from your post and a link to your site!